Disease that can strike any age this seems simple, but often problematic. Not just in the skin, the fungus can also penetrate into the blood, and grow in the organs of the body. To better know him, here's 10 facts about fungal diseases.
1. Fungal diseases are everywhere.
Right. Fungi that infect humans grow everywhere, in the wild. Maybe in a public toilet, in the market, in the terminal, in the cinema, which at times can perch and nest on the skin if we are not keeping the skin clean.
Fungus Candida albicans, for example. This is a fungus that often attacks humans. In addition to making whiteness, this type of fungus growing on the skin are also often the groin, the folds of the breast, and of course can also grow in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as other body parts.
Fungus that attacks the skin instead of just one type. We know dozens of types of skin fungi, ranging from simple and light, until a malignant type. Picture of skin fungal diseases more or less the same, but the fungi can cause different.
In addition to the skin, the fungus may also grow in the eyeball. There is a special fungus diseases on the eyeball, and if severe can cause ulcers on the eyeball. Other types of fungi growing in the ear canal, ear canal due to lack of kept clean, the habit of scraping the ear canal with a finger (which would have contaminated mushrooms), so that the mushrooms growing there. Complaint itching for mercy. Initially mistaken for ear wax causes the itch, but upon inspection, there were mushrooms. Often the ear canal so formed blisters and ulcers so often scraped-match due to terrible itching.
There is a special fungus that attacks the lungs. Symptoms may just coughing for months, and did not heal were treated in the usual manner. The new X-rays of the lungs would seem a typical illustration showing the presence of fungal lung.
Similarly, if the fungus Candida grows in the intestines, often resulting in sagging body condition for a long time, but never cure indigestion, and usually only discovered upon inspection that there was a mushroom stools.
2. Infectious fungal disease.
Yes, an infectious fungal disease. Much like tinea versicolor, and tinea versicolor fungus is quite well, all infectious fungal disease. There is a skin fungus that moves from moldy skin to skin with healthy skin intersection, there is also a passing of spores, by air, and through sexual intercourse, or in other parts of the body itself.
Mushrooms growing in the cheek skin infection most likely through a pillow to sleep on the cheek skin fungus former patients. Mushrooms in neck, chest, or abdomen, possibly through the clothes people with skin fungus. Mushrooms in the fingers, around the hand, probably contracted through shaking hands. And fungal vaginal discharge in women, often spreads to the skin of the groin. Fingers up scratching the skin can remove mildew fungus disease to other healthy skin.
3. Skin fungus difficult to recover?
Generally lasts chronic fungal skin disease. Treated, subsided, then relapsed again, as difficult to recover. But in fact not the case. Generally, first, because untreated fungal skin until complete, and second, because one can choose an antifungal medication. Skin fungus might be eczema. We know different fungal drug with eczema medication. If the eczema is treated as a fungus, would not heal. Likewise, if the fungal disease is treated as eczema.
Another thing, as well as eczema, during treatment should not come into contact with materials or chemicals that are irritating to the skin, such as laundry soap, detergents, and chemicals in the ointment, perfume, cream medication, and any other substance that is applied to the skin.
If the eczema and skin fungus is still in contact with materials or chemicals, in addition to inhibiting the healing process, skin fungal diseases will be easy to relapse, especially in parts of the skin is hidden, like in the groin, between toes, moist skin folds, in Under the breast crease, or in the folds of the buttocks.
The parts are in addition to moist skin, often do not dry completely each time shower.
Water bath or wash their hands and feet of water that remains on the skin of certain body parts inviting entrance skin fungus. We call it water fleas. Though not really bugs, but mold fungi like the skin that are often left wet and humid.
4. Skin fungus rather than eczema.
Eczema and skin fungus at first glance appear similar, but distinctly. By viewing only, the doctor can determine if it is eczema or skin fungus. However, there often is not fully manifest eczema eczema picture, because it was from the beginning treated inappropriately. Provision of ointment, cream, lotion or liquid drugs that are not appropriate will exacerbate skin disease origin. Besides unspecific picture of skin diseases, treatment is not simple anymore. Maybe it's an infection, other than skin disorders worse.
Similarly, skin fungus. If from the beginning of any given drug, its skin disorders so chaotic, and certainly does not heal. Fungal skin eczema who were given the drug will continue to expand as a skin fungus, although the complaint may be perceived to subside, but the truth has not been recovered.
Roughly speaking, the picture was patterned variety of eczema on the affected skin, but limits its skin disorders with a healthy skin is not so clear. Medium skin fungus, corakannya not so diverse, but strictly limit its skin disorders, like drawing a map of the earth. Both are often ambiguous impression, or is suffering from both. There eczema at first, who then boarded the skin fungus as well. In such cases, given drugs in addition to eczema, need to be added antifungal too.
5. Fungal treatment if you have complications.
Fungal disease that one drug is usually given in addition to not heal, due to often scratched, causing an infection as well. In skin fungus formed infection which means the skin is also carrying germs. In such cases, the infection is treated first, after the infection subsides, skin fungus treatment. If not so, would not heal.
Occasionally, skin fungus that has infected skin ulcers caused such. Fungus dry skin had become wet, pus, and painful than itchy. In such cases, it is necessary to compress dry for several days. Once dry, given a new antibiotic ointment for skin infections. And after a skin disorder subsided, began to be given medication antifungal.
Fungal ulcers and skin becomes wet will not recover if given a direct antifungal or antibiotic ointment for the infection. If abnormalities of the skin is wet, it should be compressed first with the wet method (solution rivanol), is a dry skin disorder should not be given a compress, but countered with a dry, that is immediately given an ointment or cream to suit the skin abnormalities.
6. There is a topical antifungal drugs, there is a drunk.
True, there are topical antifungal drugs, there is a drunk. Not all types of skin fungal diseases to oral medications in addition to topical medication. Only certain types of fungal disease that has spread through the bloodstream (a fungal disease in), which also require medication atijamur drink. In the case of whitish fungal diseases, fungal colon, lung fungus, for example.
7. If fungal skin does not heal.
If fungal skin never healed, but because it is not appropriate to choose the drug, possible types of fungi cause was not immune to the usual antifungal drugs. For that we need to scrape the skin examination for inspection mildew fungi cause in the laboratory. Once the fungus the cause is known, can be chosen appropriate antifungal medications.
Do not forget, skin fungus skin fungus diseases as well. However, phlegm need to be distinguished with leprosy. There is a type of leprosy that picture is very similar to tinea versicolor. Leprosy is treated with antifungal certainly will not heal. Thus, it should be ascertained whether the presumed tinea versicolor is not leprosy. Doctors can distinguish them by a simple examination of the practice room.
8. Mushrooms in the crotch women if the cause is always white?
No. Could be mold in the crotch stand alone. But not infrequently, initially only the whitish fungus (candida albicans), which if untreated, will spread merembas keputihannya to the groin skin, so that nested in the skin between the thighs as well, or anywhere other body parts. Not infrequently in the crease under the breast.
9. Mushrooms in the toes, dangerous?
Mushrooms in between toes is usually caused by candida albicans, fungal species that can go anywhere the body, including to the genitals and digestive tract. As is generally the fungus candida, which cause whitish-colored milk if attacked genitalia, so if it grows in between the toes. Peeling skin between the toes and the color of milk, with great itching.
Foot fungus is not harmful. But if the fungus attacks the nail, the nail must be removed frequently by surgery. Because, if not removed, mold will remain lodged under the nails, and antifungal drugs is usually not until merembas into nail beds. Remember, people with diabetes susceptible to fungal anything. Including fungal skin and nail fungus, other than white.
10. Vigilant in damp clothes, and after consumption of antibiotics for long.
Right. If in damp or wet clothes still worn, can invite fungus come and lodge, especially in the skin that are often damp, such as between fingers, in the groin, and buttocks. In parts of this skin fungus often nested.
In children, skin fungus often nest behind the earlobe. This section is often missing from the soap and drying the towels. The skin on the sidelines behind the ears appear yellow crusty. The same fungus often grows in between the folds of the ear itself, itchy and crusty yellow.
Use the old antibiotics also disrupt the body's balance of bacteria-fungi. Because bacteria that coexist in our bodies participate destroyed by the use of antibiotics, the fungi that had been docile and friendly become more dominant, and appear to change the nature of the disease. Child and infant thrush (white milk) in the oral cavity after treatment of antibiotics, susceptibility to fungus.