Private pilates instructor, Lisa Namuri, experienced 12 years of practicing pilates for women and men. Internationally certified instructor of Pilates Stott Pilates is affirmed women's need to maintain fitness is also the mood. That way women can undergo multirole, both at work even when being at home. And that is also important, women can keep up appearances by practicing pilates.
"Pilates is a method of forming the body, which focuses on abdominal strength. Movements in Pilates exercises to stretch more active, the balance of relaxation and strength training," explains Lisa on the sidelines of the launch of his book on the Fab Cafe, Gramedia Bookstore Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Saturday (7/30/2011) ago.
Troubleshooting muscles to posture
Pilates is useful for women at various life cycle. Strength training with relaxing breathing techniques that make it not only able to keep your posture in order to remain proportionate. But also can handle a variety of muscle problems experienced by women at various life cycle.
Pilates best done by pregnant women, even postpartum. Lisa designed a special movement pilates for pregnancy in his book, Pilates for Pregnancy.
Name Lisa Namuri as a pilates instructor was first known among celebrities. A number of famous female celebrities such as Sophie Navita, Happy Salma, Becky Tumewu, Nirina Zubir, Annisa Pohan, Angelina Sondakh and a number of female public figures feel the benefits of Pilates trained privately by Lisa.
"For men, pilates considered a female sport. And Pilates offers many benefits, especially for those who have joint problems and shape the body," explains Lisa told Compass Female.
Pregnant women are more comfortable
Physical changes during pregnancy make the body feel uncomfortable. Pilates has a role to overcome this inconvenience. The result, during pregnancy, the body feels staying in shape. Lisa designed the Pilates exercises specifically for pregnancy in order to provide solutions to the problems arising from physical changes during pregnancy.
"During pregnancy, the breasts become enlarged so that the shoulders hunched. Waist is also sick because they can not accommodate a growing belly. Ankle also need to be trained so that problems during pregnancy leg swelling, pain, and cramping can be resolved. Pilates for pregnancy is tailored to the needs of pregnant women , "he continued.
Pilates exercises for pregnant women to help him keep moving and healthy. The reason, not a few pregnant women are too lazy to move with increasing body weight. With pilates, pregnant women are trained to balance his body with strength training and muscle relaxation. Pilates breathing techniques to assist in detoxification of the body, thus providing a relaxing effect.
Ideal body postpartum
Alia Jumhur Hidayat, one of Lisa's clients choose pilates during kejamilan, also to form a postpartum body. Greatest impact is felt Alia is the loss of fat after giving birth.
"Exercises such as pilates fix the body. I often hold the child so that the posture of the body tend to be skewed. Wrong body posture is then addressed. Pilates form a more permanent body. The body is more proportional. When my son was seven months, there is no fat in the body," Alia gives clear testimony of private practice experience with Lisa.
Alia also admitted abundant milk supply for his habit of practicing pilates three months after giving birth. Problem milk production, Lisa adds, there has been no research on the relationship milk production and pilates. However, he said, pilates which provide relaxation make the mood better mother.
"Milk production is influenced maternal psychological factors. May be because the mood of both mothers and physically fit, making the milk production increases," said Lisa, who was named the spokesperson Wardah cosmetic brand since May 2011.
Self healing
Lisa admits that many women who come with complaints of practicing pilates posture that is not proportional. Pilates exercises focus not lose weight, he says, but rather to form the body and makes the body more proportional size.
"Pilates is more proportionate body shape and not to be thin. The focus is more on comfort against the body. If good about yourself, the body more energized and more confident person. The focus of Pilates exercises beyond skinny," said Lisa who studied pilates in Fitness Institute Australia .
In addition, pilates also helps self-healing. "Pilates is a mind and body connection. Exercise Pilates helps improve body awareness. That way, someone would better understand her body. Pilates is a way of re-educating the body to get the balance, including balance and muscle in the outer muscle," said the mother of two who manages the studio pilates in Joglo, Meruya Selatan, Jakarta.