Nuisance Women's Skin (2)

Varicose veins 
Varicose veins are enlarged cavity abnormal veins (venous) pressure caused by backflow of blood that flows in it. Backflow of blood pressure caused by two things. First, the blockage / suppression that prevents backflow of blood (eg in pregnant mothers womb suppress the magnitude of the main vein in the abdomen), and the second is when the reverse flow of blood to the heart more than the normal blood vessel blockage-free / emphasis (eg the activity in the legs heavier than normal people).

In both circumstances, the magnitude of the rate of blood flow causes the cavity is not only a dilated blood vessels, even a winding and branching.

Varicose veins occur along the leg thigh to calf and foot. Veins (vein) in the leg area located on the surface, just below the skin layer, so it is often imagined as a line of faint bluish color. In circumstances where blood vessels behind the legs have varicose veins, picture bluish veins become more apparent, including the picture of the winding or branching.

Problems caused by varicose leg is not just a cosmetic skin problem that does not look good leg as a result the picture bluish blood vessels. More serious if the area where there is varicose veins and leg wound infection occurred, so that healing becomes more difficult and komplikatif.

Prevention of varicose veins:

1 Limit the Use of High-Heels 

Avoiding excessive toehold in the limbs, among others, by regulating body weight and avoiding the use of high heel shoes that are too long and too often. Extra body weight to make the working limbs become heavier than normal, the muscles of the leg work to become more enterprising. Impact, the flow of blood from the legs back flow to the heart becomes larger and the pressure becomes increasingly higher.

The use of high heel shoes increase the distance that must be achieved through the blood stream and make some leg muscles work harder, so the compensation pressure backflow of blood flow becomes increasingly rising.

2 Rest Legs 

Regulate the activity of leg and position the leg at rest by taking the leg rest in between intervals of activity. Stick out your leg straight and wedge with 1 or 2 pads in while sitting at rest or when lying down to rest behind the current flow of blood to flow smoothly in normal pressure.
In some circumstances, give a warm water bath on the foot and lower leg can help smooth the flow of blood behind.

3 Always Clean and damp 

Keep skin moist and legs to avoid possible injury and infection.
Handling of varicose veins:

1 Garment Elastic 

Wear special elastic garment in the legs that is able to provide additional pressure on the veins (venous) evenly from the feet up to the groin. This particular form of garment elastic stockings usually like or tight pants.

2 Injection sclerotherapy substances 

This was done on the vessels-veins (vein) that appears winding and branched cavity to collapse the veins (venous).

3 Surgery 

Action stripping operation is releasing veins (vein) along the legs of the surrounding structure and then discarded.

4 The combination of these three types of treatment.

 Handling of varicose veins that have occurred by plastic surgeons and gives fairly good results. But, how well will prevent it easier and cheaper than cure.

Grate Scar 

People of Asian receive God's blessing in the form of aging skin is not as bad as Caucasians. In contrast, the Asian race has a scar scar worse. In Caucasians, the wound healed with former finer and more subtle, while the Asian race is more prone to scar tissue that grow excessively (hypertrophic scar), even a keloid.

1 An injection of corticosteroids

 This action is performed on the connective tissue scar that grows beyond the original wound boundaries. Injection aims to break braid excessive connective tissue so that later shrunk the scar. Injection is done in several series, with the interval between injections 2-3 weeks.

2 Surgery 

Surgery with surgery excision of scar tissue that grow beyond the original wound boundaries.

3 The combination of all three types of treatment

 It gives better results than a single treatment.
To note, the scar is always different from one person to another. Consult with your doctor to get the optimal wound healing.