Routine sex makes sexy body

A research states, sexual activity in men and women, proved capable of raising the level of testosterone. In women testosterone increases the more easier for them to have an orgasm, improve self-confidence, and make them look more sexy.

The hormone testosterone is the hormone that plays an important role in the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics in males. Even so, women also have hormones "male" even though it is not much.

Further research also proves, testosterone levels rose significantly after seseorangbaik women and priaberpelukan, cuddle or copulate. So in this research, respondents were asked to fill out questionnaires after the relevant sexual activity, including about orgasms, levels of sexual desire, and the feelings they felt after copulating. The study recorded levels of testosterone just before and after cuddling and intercourse were significantly different. More level ride. The higher levels of testosterone, orgasm in women will get better, and feeling sexy is increasing in the next day.

Women also generally feel more sexy because regular sex makes her body toned and fit. Do not forget that sexual activity is essentially similar to the sport. The energy can dumped as much as 200 calories / hour. Equivalent to run for 15 minutes or swim for 10 minutes. The pulse can reach 70-150 per minute which means entering the target zone in the exercises suggested that goal is reached maximal exercise.

Muscle contractions during intercourse can also train the hip bones, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck and chest. Sex also increases testosterone production to strengthen bones and muscles. A magazine about the marriage never given the nickname bed as a great fitness tool and inexpensive.

In addition to maintaining fitness through food intake, regular sex it can make the body becomes more fit. Became fitter body and face looked radiant. The definition of regular sex is an intimate relationship that is run regularly, like once every 3 days or once a week are conducted without coercion aka husband and wife are both wanted.

Researchers at Queen's University in Belfast, Ireland is also confident of satisfying the needs of not just sex, but also an attempt to stay healthy. Some health benefits gained from having sex regularly, at least once a week, reduce your risk of heart attack and be slim. Regular sex also reduces depression and pain in the head. This is because in most cases before the orgasm, the hormone oxytocin will increase five times higher than normal. This makes the body to release endorphins that reduce pain in the head. Someone who had sex once or twice a week will increase the antibody called immunoglobulin A by 30%. These antibodies will strengthen your body's immune system.

Because of that, if the husband / wife begin to cool in sexual activity, better get looking for the cause. For women, cool to the sex can be caused many things, among them:

* Anger often leads to wife did not want contact with her husband. This is done merely to warn her husband that she was mad at him. Tactics to deal with it, try to find out what makes him angry. Invite your wife to talk in a relaxed atmosphere. If the problem has been melted, the wife would not mind really if invited to make love again. In fact, if the husband can take heart, a wife could be more "hot" than usual.

* Fatigue. His role as well bekerjakerap ibuapalagi who also makes his wife became tired quickly. There is a good husband offered to help ease the homework. Let your wife to rest without the need to do homework. This can make them feel loved and appreciated. In return, the wife would do anything for her husband. Including an invitation to make love.

* Feeling sexy. The body may be the most sensitive to women. Because of that, feeling sexy intimate relationships often become a booster. Oops, lest you never nyeletuk about her changing body. It seems simple, but can be very sensitive lo! Give encouragement for him. It is time for you show an interest. Tell your partner that with a body like that she was quite attractive. Better yet, you are stirring to equally exercise.

Well, for men, indifference towards sex can be caused by:

* Many thoughts. Husband was a lot of thought because of work or responsibilities as head of the family often refused to have sex. Not because he did not care about the wife, but his passion became lost because so much is piled on her head.

* Saturated. One of the reasons why men desire ebb lover because he grew weary of the sexual activity that is so-so only. Men love a new challenge. If no renewal in sexual activity, he did not consider sex change just as intimate a tedious activity. Unfortunately, they are often reluctant or prestige say it on his wife for fear of his ideas were rejected. A wife can give a solution with the initiative to use a place or different sex positions. Second honeymoon could be the right choice. Foreplay is varied also be an option.